about us


EVERY INDIVIDUAL IS UNIQUE. And that means everyone has unique gifts, talents, and interests. That's where you come into the picture. We want to help you connect with other people, and ultimately with Christ. Why? Because your gifts and abilities have the potential to impact the lives of people in our church, community, and world.

So, where do you fit in?

FELLOWSHIPS. Everyone involved at World Outreach is part of our

fellowships. We have lots of different fellowships throughout the year.

Intrigued? Look for fellowships by visiting our calendar.

So, what is fellowship?

It's simple. A fellowship is just a group of people who meet together around a common interest, stage of life, talent; you get the picture.

Our fellowships are held throughout the year and range from women's and men's events, to special events for the entire church family. All of our fellowships center around bonding together as a family. 

We encourage everyone at World Outreach to attend our fellowships. Fellowships are not limited to people that attend World Outreach. We welcome anyone to join us at our fellowships and get to know our church.